Back to School! Save time on the school run
As I found out this morning, a great way to save time on the school run is, well, to run!
I was one of those mothers that my daughter & I normally giggle over, running their child into class so as not to be late. But today was our turn. No particular reason, just a reluctant 5 year old who needed more nudging than I dolled out this morning.
This is what I do to save time, arguments & stress.
A Sports Bra. So you don’t have to hold your chest, as well as the school bag, keys, mask, wallet, jumper, sunglasses…
Breakfast on the go. For us, either toast, which she always seems to faceplant & get vegemite or peanut butter A.L.L. O.V.E.R., or cereal that I put in a large mug so she can hold with one hand &, fingers crossed 🤞 not spill all over herself. Lately, she loves it dry (!?) & likes Rice Krispies Multigrain Shapes which are the perfect size to pick up individually with little fingers.
Rollerblades. Why, oh why don’t more parents put their Tots on wheels? It’s fabulous! I highly recommend.
Don’t forget the school shoes! Yes, if you take the rollerblades, don’t forget the proper shoes..
Have everything ready the night before. We’re lucky, it’s just the 2 of us, so it’s easy to set up her bag, books, shoes etc so we just grab & go.
Also do hair the night before. My Tot’s hair is very long & wavy & gets so so knotty. I brush it (which can take forever) & plait it at night, washing it with TingTang if it’s dirty (perfect for those with an aversion to having their hair washed or who don’t fancy moving from in front of their favourite cartoon!). The next morning, I can easily get the brush through it, so it’s quick to do. 💆
No fuss, no tears, no tantrums, no arguments, no bribes, no stress, no pleading. Well, except for
“Will you pleeeeeease get a move on?”
☑️ Wheels ☑️ Breakfast on the go ☑️ Ruuuuun.. 🏃♀️